Deciding whether to build your own Small Business Website
Having a small business website built for you needn't break the bank and should pay for itself through the new sales generated. You may be thinking about having a go at building your own website. Take a look at the following considerations. Primarily, do you have the time needed to dedicate to putting a website together? secondly, what do you want to achieve from your new website?
It is not impossible to build a basic website for your business. Not that I am suggesting web design is a piece of cake.. it is nevertheless an area in which you can obtain surprisingresults with a little applied learning and study.
If you are the type of person who grasps and learns new skills easily, you could be good at making your own website. Before you can begin, you will need to gain some knowledge of CSS, HTML and basic web design and layout. This list however is not exhaustive.
We arrive at our first question and the root of it. Do you really have enough time to gather and implement these skills?
Possibly you have had enough of working for others and plan on creating your own business, so you are happy to put time into this project. Have a look online, where you will find a wide range of resources available to help you, purchase an up to date 'Build Your Own Website' book, take a look at some tutorial sites. You will find many learning avenues to guide you.
You could however be looking into this option from a altogether different position. Perhaps you are already aware there are not sufficient hours in your day. In these circumstances, creating your own business website is not going to be the right path for you as insufficient input is likely to result in a website that does not do your business any justice.
Now we explore our second question. What is it that you would like your new website to do for you? Whilst thinking this one over it would be helpful to take a look at other websites for your direct competitors.
If you are a small business such as a plumber, a landscape gardener, an electrician, or anyone who wishes to set up a web presence so that people in your local area searching online for your type of services can find your contact details and call you then a very small site that appears in the search engine results may be enough for you. Achieving this kind of basic website would be completely manageable.
The type of business you are in however may demand something more professional. In which case a basic looking site may not give your clients the right first impression of your business. Carry out a Google search for some search terms that you would like to have a website ranking for. What is the level of competition in your field? Take a look. If you feel that the standard is above what you can realistically achieve then seeking a professional web designer is probably the better option for your business.
To conclude the above; If you have the time to learn to build your website and you think that you can achieve a high enough standard then go for it, if not then hire a professional. Something to note is that creating your website is only the first stage, if no one can locate it on Google then you have wasted your time. You need your website to be at the top of the search ranking in order for it to benefit your business.
If you are a small business owner and you don't have some sort of web presence to push it then you are missing out on key potential customers and sales. Creating a website for you business may not be too difficult to achieve alone but you first need to work out whether you have the time to learn how to do it and whether or not the end product will bring you any more sales.
It is not impossible to build a basic website for your business. Not that I am suggesting web design is a piece of cake.. it is nevertheless an area in which you can obtain surprisingresults with a little applied learning and study.
If you are the type of person who grasps and learns new skills easily, you could be good at making your own website. Before you can begin, you will need to gain some knowledge of CSS, HTML and basic web design and layout. This list however is not exhaustive.
We arrive at our first question and the root of it. Do you really have enough time to gather and implement these skills?
Possibly you have had enough of working for others and plan on creating your own business, so you are happy to put time into this project. Have a look online, where you will find a wide range of resources available to help you, purchase an up to date 'Build Your Own Website' book, take a look at some tutorial sites. You will find many learning avenues to guide you.
You could however be looking into this option from a altogether different position. Perhaps you are already aware there are not sufficient hours in your day. In these circumstances, creating your own business website is not going to be the right path for you as insufficient input is likely to result in a website that does not do your business any justice.
Now we explore our second question. What is it that you would like your new website to do for you? Whilst thinking this one over it would be helpful to take a look at other websites for your direct competitors.
If you are a small business such as a plumber, a landscape gardener, an electrician, or anyone who wishes to set up a web presence so that people in your local area searching online for your type of services can find your contact details and call you then a very small site that appears in the search engine results may be enough for you. Achieving this kind of basic website would be completely manageable.
The type of business you are in however may demand something more professional. In which case a basic looking site may not give your clients the right first impression of your business. Carry out a Google search for some search terms that you would like to have a website ranking for. What is the level of competition in your field? Take a look. If you feel that the standard is above what you can realistically achieve then seeking a professional web designer is probably the better option for your business.
To conclude the above; If you have the time to learn to build your website and you think that you can achieve a high enough standard then go for it, if not then hire a professional. Something to note is that creating your website is only the first stage, if no one can locate it on Google then you have wasted your time. You need your website to be at the top of the search ranking in order for it to benefit your business.
If you are a small business owner and you don't have some sort of web presence to push it then you are missing out on key potential customers and sales. Creating a website for you business may not be too difficult to achieve alone but you first need to work out whether you have the time to learn how to do it and whether or not the end product will bring you any more sales.
About the Author:
Teapot Creative are a team of graphic designers based in Somerset. We have a wealth of experience covering all aspects of graphic, web design and SEO services. Read about How The Latest Google Updates Effect Small Business Websites on our blog and then find out more at seomoz.

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